cd /mnt
mkdir temp
mount /dev/sdb1 temp
cd temp
mount /dev/sda1 boot
cd /
chroot /mnt/temp
cd /boot
vi grup/grup.conf "change the boot location"
Editing fstab to automount partitions at startup
this tutorial is not solely for automounting but how to edit fstab efficiently and gaining some knowledge about it.
1. sudo gedit /etc/fstab
2. now the fstab file is open in gedit. you need to add an entry for the partition to automount it at startup.
the format of a new entry is like this:
file_system mount_point type options dump pass
you will see this in the file and you need to add your new entry under this line.
brief explanation of the above format:
1.file_system = your device id.
use this:
/dev/sdax ( you should check it with sudo fdisk -l)
/dev/sdb1 / ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 1